The Beatitudes Page 11
    Now the evening was drawing near. The sun had disappeared behind the lofty hills, its last golden rays lighting the countryside in glorious splendor. The dark shadows on the slope of the mountain were lengthening and the shimmering surface of the lake of Galilee was like grey steel. Darkness was soon to cover the land. Some of the people who had been in the assembly had already left, and others were preparing to leave. But although some were leaving, most of the people waited to here Jesus speak more of his comforting words, which were to them like pearls of great price. They would spend the night on the mountain rather than miss a single word which fell from his lips. For no one had ever before spoken such comforting and assuring words. No one had ever before so denounced the priest and the Pharisees, so boldly quoted the teaching of the prophets, or dared to question the doctrines of the Elders. And no one else had challenged the kingdoms of this world and their oppressive officialdom.