The Beatitudes Page 7
    In previous centuries many wise men had sought to create a new order that would liberate the enslaved masses. Great generals had gathered formidable armies. Philosophers such as Socrates and Plato had advanced new ideas whereby men might usher in the reign of justice and brotherly love. But all of these attempts based on man's wisdom had failed to make real the long-cherished ideal of human brotherhood.      On that mountainside the multitude were ready for another message, perhaps more important than those given previously. Now Jesus' words were to touch on the core of all human problems, the underlying causes for unrest and war. Now he was ready to speak of justice, for justice is the foundation for peace in all human relationships. Peace, harmony, law and order, without justice, are not possible.

     When Jesus saw that the people were quiet and eager to learn more, he spoke again, saying: "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they shall be satisfied."

     Justice is another name for truth, and truth is something that stands the test and is durable. Anything less than the truth fades away.   A false ideology is introduced and the one that came before it is forgotten. A nation with great power and human wisdom emerges and another nation disappears, disintegrates. But justice and truth are unchangeable. Eternal justice is as precious and as necessary as the air that man breathes.

     Jesus knew that the people were hungry not only for physical bread, the worldly comforts that perish, but also for the bread of life, which is the truth. Once they knew the truth they would be freed both from the yoke of foreign rule and from their personal difficulties.

     As Moses (and later, Jesus) said, "It is written that it is not by bread alone that man can live, but by every word which proceeds from the mouth of God." What are the words that come from the mouth of God? They are freedom, justice, truth, peace and harmony. Without these man cannot live securely and enjoy the fruits of his labor. Without law and order there can be no property or possessions.

     Centuries have passed since the reign of justice was pronounced by Jesus the Christ, yet many races and peoples are still in bondage -- millions of men, women and children are homeless and hopeless.